


以下是你可能想用 web3 做的一些常见的事情。


使用web3.eth.get_block API,可以通过块的编号或散列来查找块。块散列应该以十六进制表示。块号

# get a block by number
>>> web3.eth.get_block(12345)
    'author': '0xad5C1768e5974C231b2148169da064e61910f31a',
    'difficulty': 735512610763,
    'extraData': '0x476574682f76312e302e302f6c696e75782f676f312e342e32',
    'gasLimit': 5000,
    'gasUsed': 0,
    'hash': '0x767c2bfb3bdee3f78676c1285cd757bcd5d8c272cef2eb30d9733800a78c0b6d',
    'logsBloom': '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
    'miner': '0xad5c1768e5974c231b2148169da064e61910f31a',
    'mixHash': '0x31d9ec7e3855aeba37fd92aa1639845e70b360a60f77f12eff530429ef8cfcba',
    'nonce': '0x549f882c5f356f85',
    'number': 12345,
    'parentHash': '0x4b3c1d7e65a507b62734feca1ee9f27a5379e318bd52ae62de7ba67dbeac66a3',
    'receiptsRoot': '0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421',
    'sealFields': ['0x31d9ec7e3855aeba37fd92aa1639845e70b360a60f77f12eff530429ef8cfcba',
    'sha3Uncles': '0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347',
    'size': 539,
    'stateRoot': '0xca495e22ed6b88c61714d129dbc8c94f5bf966ac581c09a57c0a72d0e55e7286',
    'timestamp': 1438367030,
    'totalDifficulty': 3862140487204603,
    'transactions': [],
    'transactionsRoot': '0x56e81f171bcc55a6ff8345e692c0f86e5b48e01b996cadc001622fb5e363b421',
    'uncles': [],

# get a block by it's hash
>>> web3.eth.get_block('0x767c2bfb3bdee3f78676c1285cd757bcd5d8c272cef2eb30d9733800a78c0b6d')


您还可以使用web3.eth.get_block API 中的字符串'latest'来检索最新的块。

>>> web3.eth.get_block('latest')


>>> web3.eth.block_number


要找到一个帐户拥有的乙醚量,请使用 get_balance() 方法。在撰写本文时,最以太的帐户的公共地址为 0x 742d 35 cc 6634 c 0532925 a3 b 844 BC 454 e 4438 f 44 e。

>>> web3.eth.get_balance('0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e')



Web3 可以帮你在面额之间转换。支持以下面额。

| 名称 | 魏量 | | 魏 | one | | 奎 | One thousand | | 巴贝奇 | One thousand | | 女性伴侣 | One thousand | | mwei | One million | | 色鬼 | One million | | 微微醚 | One million | | 圭 | One billion | | 香农 | One billion | | 纳米 | One billion | | 毫微;纤(10 的负九次方) | One billion | | 绍博 | 1000000000000 | | 千分尺 | 1000000000000 | | 微观的,具体领域的 | 1000000000000 | | 芬尼 | 1000000000000000 | | 毫米 | 1000000000000000 | | 毫 | 1000000000000000 | | 醚 | 1000000000000000000 | | 凯瑟 | 1000000000000000000000 | | 宏伟的 | 1000000000000000000000 | | 梅特尔 | 1000000000000000000000000 | | 在一起 | 1000000000000000000000000000 | | 极限 | 1000000000000000000000000000000 |

从前面的例子来看,最大的帐户包含 3841357360894980500000001 魏。您可以使用fromWei()方法将该余额转换为乙醚(或其他名称)。

>>> web3.fromWei(3841357360894980500000001, 'ether')

要换算回魏,可以用反函数,toWei()。注意 Python 的默认浮点精度对于这个用例来说是不够的,所以如果还没有的话,有必要将值转换成十进制的。

>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> web3.toWei(Decimal('3841357.360894980500000001'), 'ether')

最佳实践:如果您需要处理多种货币面额,则默认为 wei。一个典型的工作流可能需要从某个单位转换到卫,然后从卫转换到您需要的任何单位。

>>> web3.toWei(Decimal('0.000000005'), 'ether')
>>> web3.fromWei(5000000000, 'gwei')



  • T2send_transaction()

    Use this method if:

    • 你想把乙醚从一个账户转到另一个账户。
  • T2send_raw_transaction()

    Use this method if:

    • 您希望在其他地方签署交易,例如硬件钱包。
    • 您希望通过另一个供应商(例如 Infura)广播一个事务。
    • 您还有其他一些需要更多灵活性的高级用例。
  • 合约功能

    Use these methods if:

    • 你想与合约互动。Web3.py 解析合约 ABI,并通过functions属性使这些函数可用。
  • T2construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware()

    Use this middleware if:

    • 您希望在使用w3.eth.send_transactionContractFunctions时自动签名。


您的键的位置(例如,本地或托管)将对这些方法产生影响。在此 阅读差异



>>> web3.eth.get_transaction('0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060')
 'blockHash': '0x4e3a3754410177e6937ef1f84bba68ea139e8d1a2258c5f85db9f1cd715a1bdd',
 'blockNumber': 46147,
 'condition': None,
 'creates': None,
 'from': '0xA1E4380A3B1f749673E270229993eE55F35663b4',
 'gas': 21000,
 'gasPrice': None,
 'hash': '0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060',
 'input': '0x',
 'maxFeePerGas': 2000000000,
 'maxPriorityFeePerGas': 1000000000,
 'networkId': None,
 'nonce': 0,
 'publicKey': '0x376fc429acc35e610f75b14bc96242b13623833569a5bb3d72c17be7e51da0bb58e48e2462a59897cead8ab88e78709f9d24fd6ec24d1456f43aae407a8970e4',
 'r': '0x88ff6cf0fefd94db46111149ae4bfc179e9b94721fffd821d38d16464b3f71d0',
 'raw': '0xf86780862d79883d2000825208945df9b87991262f6ba471f09758cde1c0fc1de734827a69801ca088ff6cf0fefd94db46111149ae4bfc179e9b94721fffd821d38d16464b3f71d0a045e0aff800961cfce805daef7016b9b675c137a6a41a548f7b60a3484c06a33a',
 's': '0x45e0aff800961cfce805daef7016b9b675c137a6a41a548f7b60a3484c06a33a',
 'standardV': '0x1',
 'to': '0x5DF9B87991262F6BA471F09758CDE1c0FC1De734',
 'transactionIndex': 0,
 'v': '0x1c',
 'value': 31337,



可以使用web3.eth.get_transaction_receipt API 检索交易收据。

>>> web3.eth.get_transaction_receipt('0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060')
 'blockHash': '0x4e3a3754410177e6937ef1f84bba68ea139e8d1a2258c5f85db9f1cd715a1bdd',
 'blockNumber': 46147,
 'contractAddress': None,
 'cumulativeGasUsed': 21000,
 'gasUsed': 21000,
 'logs': [],
 'logsBloom': '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
 'root': '0x96a8e009d2b88b1483e6941e6812e32263b05683fac202abc622a3e31aed1957',
 'transactionHash': '0x5c504ed432cb51138bcf09aa5e8a410dd4a1e204ef84bfed1be16dfba1b22060',
 'transactionIndex': 0,




为了使用现有的合约,您需要它的部署地址和 ABI。两者都可以使用块浏览器找到,如 Etherscan。一旦实例化了一个合约实例,就可以读取数据和执行事务。

# Configure w3, e.g., w3 = Web3(...)
address = '0x1f9840a85d5aF5bf1D1762F925BDADdC4201F988'
abi = '[{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"account","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"minter_","type":"address"},...'
contract_instance = w3.eth.contract(address=address, abi=abi)

# read state:
# 42

# update state:
tx_hash = contract_instance.functions.updateValue(43).transact() 



contract  StoreVar  { uint8  public  _myVar; event  MyEvent(uint  indexed  _var); function  setVar(uint8  _var)  public  { _myVar  =  _var; emit  MyEvent(_var); } function  getVar()  public  view  returns  (uint8)  { return  _myVar; } } 


  • 从 sol 文件编译合约。
  • 估算交易的燃气成本。
  • 使用合约功能进行交易。
  • 等待挖掘交易收据。
import sys
import time
import pprint

from web3.providers.eth_tester import EthereumTesterProvider
from web3 import Web3
from eth_tester import PyEVMBackend
from solcx import compile_source

def compile_source_file(file_path):
   with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
      source = f.read()

   return compile_source(source)

def deploy_contract(w3, contract_interface):
    tx_hash = w3.eth.contract(

    address = w3.eth.get_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)['contractAddress']
    return address

w3 = Web3(EthereumTesterProvider(PyEVMBackend()))

contract_source_path = 'contract.sol'
compiled_sol = compile_source_file('contract.sol')

contract_id, contract_interface = compiled_sol.popitem()

address = deploy_contract(w3, contract_interface)
print(f'Deployed {contract_id} to: {address}\n')

store_var_contract = w3.eth.contract(address=address, abi=contract_interface["abi"])

gas_estimate = store_var_contract.functions.setVar(255).estimate_gas()
print(f'Gas estimate to transact with setVar: {gas_estimate}')

if gas_estimate < 100000:
     print("Sending transaction to setVar(255)\n")
     tx_hash = store_var_contract.functions.setVar(255).transact()
     receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)
     print("Transaction receipt mined:")
     print("\nWas transaction successful?")
     print("Gas cost exceeds 100000") 


Deployed <stdin>:StoreVar to: 0xF2E246BB76DF876Cef8b38ae84130F4F55De395b

Gas estimate to transact with setVar: 45535

Sending transaction to setVar(255)

Transaction receipt mined:
{'blockHash': HexBytes('0x837609ad0a404718c131ac5157373662944b778250a507783349d4e78bd8ac84'),
 'blockNumber': 2,
 'contractAddress': None,
 'cumulativeGasUsed': 43488,
 'gasUsed': 43488,
 'logs': [AttributeDict({'type': 'mined', 'logIndex': 0, 'transactionIndex': 0, 'transactionHash': HexBytes('0x50aa3ba0673243f1e60f546a12ab364fc2f6603b1654052ebec2b83d4524c6d0'), 'blockHash': HexBytes('0x837609ad0a404718c131ac5157373662944b778250a507783349d4e78bd8ac84'), 'blockNumber': 2, 'address': '0xF2E246BB76DF876Cef8b38ae84130F4F55De395b', 'data': '0x', 'topics': [HexBytes('0x6c2b4666ba8da5a95717621d879a77de725f3d816709b9cbe9f059b8f875e284'), HexBytes('0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ff')]})],
 'status': 1,
 'transactionHash': HexBytes('0x50aa3ba0673243f1e60f546a12ab364fc2f6603b1654052ebec2b83d4524c6d0'),
 'transactionIndex': 0}

 Was transaction successful?

## 通过 ethPM 处理合约

ethPM 包包含已配置好的合约,随时可以使用。Web3 的ethpm模块(web3.pm)扩展了 Web3 的本机Contract模块,对如何实例化Contract工厂和实例做了一些修改。

您所需要的只是您想要使用的包的包名、版本和 ethPM 注册地址。ethPM 注册表是与 ethPM 包相关联的发布数据的链上数据存储。您可以在 ethPM 注册表中找到一些示例注册表。请记住,您应该只使用注册中心的包,您相信这些注册中心的维护者不会注入恶意代码!


web3.pm使用Package类来表示一个 ethPM 包。这个对象在一个包中包含了所有的合约资产,并通过一个 API 公开它们。因此,在我们能够与我们的包交互之前,我们需要将它生成为一个Package实例。

from web3.auto.infura import w3

# Note. To use the web3.pm module, you will need to instantiate your w3 instance
# with a web3 provider connected to the chain on which your registry lives.

# The ethPM module is still experimental and subject to change,
# so for now we need to enable it via a temporary flag.

# Then we need to set the registry address that we want to use.
# This should be an ENS address, but can also be a checksummed contract address.

# This generates a Package instance of the target ethPM package.
ens_package = w3.pm.get_package("ethregistrar", "3.0.0") 

现在我们有了目标 ethPM 包的一个Package表示,我们可以从这个Package生成合约工厂和实例。但是,需要注意的是,有些包可能缺少生成实例或工厂所需的必要合约资产。您可以使用 ethPM CLI 来确定 ethPM 包中可用的合约类型和部署。

# To interact with a deployment located in an ethPM package.
# Note. This will only expose deployments located on the
# chain of the connected provider (in this example, mainnet)
mainnet_registrar = ens_package.deployments.get_instance("BaseRegistrarImplementation")

# Now you can treat mainnet_registrar like any other Web3 Contract instance!
> 0

mainnet_registrar.functions.approve("0x123", 100000).transact()
> 0x123abc...  # tx_hash

# To create a contract factory from a contract type located in an ethPM package.
registrar_factory = ens_package.get_contract_factory("BaseRegistrarImplementation")

# Now you can treat registrar_factory like any other Web3 Contract factory to deploy new instances!
# Note. This will deploy new instances to the chain of the connected provider (in this example, mainnet)
> 0x456def...  # tx_hash

# To connect your Package to a new chain - simply pass it a new Web3 instance
# connected to your provider of choice. Now your factories will automatically
# deploy to this new chain, and the deployments available on a package will
# be automatically filtered to those located on the new chain.
from web3.auto.infura.goerli import w3 as goerli_w3
goerli_registrar = ens_package.update_w3(goerli_w3) 

使用 ERC20 令牌合约

以太坊区块链上的大多数可替换代币都符合 ERC20 标准。指南的这一部分介绍了如何与符合此标准的现有令牌合约进行交互。


  1. 已知地址的现有令牌协定。
  2. 对给定合约的适当ABI的访问。
  3. 一个web3.main.Web3实例连接到一个供应商,该供应商拥有一个可以发送交易的未锁定帐户。


首先,我们需要用令牌合约的地址和ERC20 ABI 创建一个合约实例。

>>> contract = w3.eth.contract(contract_address, abi=ABI)
>>> contract.address


每个代币将有一个代表流通代币总数的总供应量。在本例中,我们将令牌合约初始化为拥有 100 万个令牌。由于该令牌合约设置为具有 18 位小数,因此该合约返回的原始总供应量将具有 18 位额外的小数。

>>> contract.functions.name().call()
>>> contract.functions.symbol().call()
>>> decimals = contract.functions.decimals().call()
>>> decimals
>>> DECIMALS = 10 ** decimals
>>> contract.functions.totalSupply().call() // DECIMALS



>>> alice = '0x7E5F4552091A69125d5DfCb7b8C2659029395Bdf'
>>> bob = '0x2B5AD5c4795c026514f8317c7a215E218DcCD6cF'
>>> raw_balance = contract.functions.balanceOf(alice).call()
>>> raw_balance
>>> raw_balance // DECIMALS
>>> contract.functions.balanceOf(bob).call()



>>> tx_hash = contract.functions.transfer(bob, 100).transact({'from': alice})
>>> tx_receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)
>>> contract.functions.balanceOf(alice).call()
>>> contract.functions.balanceOf(bob).call()



>>> contract.functions.allowance(alice, bob).call()
>>> tx_hash = contract.functions.approve(bob, 200).transact({'from': alice})
>>> tx_receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)
>>> contract.functions.allowance(alice, bob).call()



>>> contract.functions.allowance(alice, bob).call()
>>> contract.functions.balanceOf(bob).call()
>>> tx_hash = contract.functions.transferFrom(alice, bob, 75).transact({'from': bob})
>>> tx_receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)
>>> contract.functions.allowance(alice, bob).call()
>>> contract.functions.balanceOf(bob).call()

Python 中的合约单元测试

这里有一个例子,说明如何在 python、Web3.py、eth-tester 和 PyEVM 中使用 pytest 框架,完全在 python 中执行单元测试,而不需要任何额外的全功能以太坊节点/客户端。要安装所需的依赖项,可以在 web3 和 pytest 中使用针对 eth_tester 的 pinned extra:

$ pip install web3[tester] pytest 


import pytest from web3 import ( EthereumTesterProvider, Web3, ) @pytest.fixture def tester_provider(): return EthereumTesterProvider() @pytest.fixture def eth_tester(tester_provider): return tester_provider.ethereum_tester @pytest.fixture def w3(tester_provider): return Web3(tester_provider) @pytest.fixture def foo_contract(eth_tester, w3): # For simplicity of this example we statically define the # contract code here. You might read your contracts from a # file, or something else to test with in your own code # # pragma solidity^0.5.3; # # contract Foo { # # string public bar; # event barred(string _bar); # # constructor() public { # bar = "hello world"; # } # # function setBar(string memory _bar) public { # bar = _bar; # emit barred(_bar); # } # # } deploy_address = eth_tester.get_accounts()[0] abi = """[{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":false,"name":"_bar","type":"string"}],"name":"barred","type":"event"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_bar","type":"string"}],"name":"setBar","outputs":[],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"constructor"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"bar","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"string"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"}]""" # noqa: E501 # This bytecode is the output of compiling with # solc version:0.5.3+commit.10d17f24.Emscripten.clang bytecode = """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""" # noqa: E501 # Create our contract class. FooContract = w3.eth.contract(abi=abi, bytecode=bytecode) # issue a transaction to deploy the contract. tx_hash = FooContract.constructor().transact({ 'from': deploy_address, }) # wait for the transaction to be mined tx_receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, 180) # instantiate and return an instance of our contract. return FooContract(tx_receipt.contractAddress) def test_initial_greeting(foo_contract): hw = foo_contract.caller.bar() assert hw == "hello world" def test_can_update_greeting(w3, foo_contract): # send transaction that updates the greeting tx_hash = foo_contract.functions.setBar( "testing contracts is easy", ).transact({ 'from': w3.eth.accounts[1], }) w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, 180) # verify that the contract is now using the updated greeting hw = foo_contract.caller.bar() assert hw == "testing contracts is easy" def test_updating_greeting_emits_event(w3, foo_contract): # send transaction that updates the greeting tx_hash = foo_contract.functions.setBar( "testing contracts is easy", ).transact({ 'from': w3.eth.accounts[1], }) receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash, 180) # get all of the `barred` logs for the contract logs = foo_contract.events.barred.getLogs() assert len(logs) == 1 # verify that the log's data matches the expected value event = logs[0] assert event.blockHash == receipt.blockHash assert event.args._bar == "testing contracts is easy"

使用 Infura Rinkeby 节点


from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider 

用 Infura 节点初始化 web3 实例

w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider("https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/YOUR_INFURA_KEY")) 


from web3.middleware import geth_poa_middleware
w3.middleware_onion.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0) 

请记住,您必须在本地签署所有交易,因为 infura 不会处理您钱包中的任何钥匙(参见)

transaction = contract.functions.function_Name(params).build_transaction()
transaction.update({ 'gas' : appropriate_gas_amount })
transaction.update({ 'nonce' : w3.eth.get_transaction_count('Your_Wallet_Address') })
signed_tx = w3.eth.account.sign_transaction(transaction, private_key) 

页(page 的缩写)s:对交易字典进行了两次更新,因为原始交易可能不包含 gas & nonce 金额,所以您必须手动添加它们。


txn_hash = w3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction)
txn_receipt = w3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(txn_hash) 

提示:之后,您可以使用存储在txn_hash中的值,在像 etherscan 这样的浏览器中查看交易的细节


Web3.py 内部使用 Python 日志子系统

如果您想在调试模式下运行您的应用程序日志,下面是一个如何使一些 JSON-RPC 流量更安静的例子。

import logging
import coloredlogs

def setup_logging(log_level=logging.DEBUG):
    """Setup root logger and quiet some levels."""
    logger = logging.getLogger()

    # Set log format to dislay the logger name to hunt down verbose logging modules
    fmt = "%(name)-25s  %(levelname)-8s  %(message)s"

    # Use colored logging output for console with the coloredlogs package
    # https://pypi.org/project/coloredlogs/
    coloredlogs.install(level=log_level, fmt=fmt, logger=logger)

    # Disable logging of JSON-RPC requests and replies
    # logging.getLogger("web3.RequestManager").propagate = False

    # Disable all internal debug logging of requests and urllib3
    # E.g. HTTP traffic

    return logger 



  • 如何增量更新已获取事件的现有数据库
  • 如何处理长时间运行过程中的中断
  • 如何应对 eth_getLogs JSON-RPC 调用查询限制
  • 如何在(近)实时数据中处理以太坊小链重组

eth_getLogs 限制

Ethereum JSON-RPC API 服务器,像 Geth,不提供简单的事件分页,只提供块分页。没有请求可以找到带有事件的第一个块,或者在一个块范围内发生了多少个事件。JSON-RPC 服务给你的唯一反馈是 eth_getLogs 调用是否失败。


  • 动态设置块范围窗口大小,同时从不超过阈值(例如,10,000 个块)。
  • 如果 eth_getLogs JSON-PRC 调用出现超时错误,请减少结束块号,并使用较小的块范围窗口重试。



  • 获取 RCC 令牌的所有传输事件,
  • 可以再次递增运行以检查是否有新的事件,
  • 优雅地处理中断(例如,CTRL+C 中止),
  • 将所有Transfer事件写入 JSON 数据库的单个文件中,以便其他进程可以使用它们,
  • 在控制台中使用 tqdm 库进行进度条输出,
  • 只支持HTTPS供应商,因为 JSON-RPC 重试逻辑依赖于底层协议的实现细节,
  • 禁用标准http_retry_request_middleware,因为它不知道如何处理eth_getLogs的收缩块范围窗口,以及
  • 消耗大约 20k 个 JSON-RPC API 调用。

该脚本可以使用:python ./eventscanner.py <your JSON-RPC API URL>运行。

"""A stateful event scanner for Ethereum-based blockchains using Web3.py.

With the stateful mechanism, you can do one batch scan or incremental scans,
where events are added wherever the scanner left off.

import datetime
import time
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Tuple, Optional, Callable, List, Iterable

from web3 import Web3
from web3.contract import Contract
from web3.datastructures import AttributeDict
from web3.exceptions import BlockNotFound
from eth_abi.codec import ABICodec

# Currently this method is not exposed over official web3 API,
# but we need it to construct eth_getLogs parameters
from web3._utils.filters import construct_event_filter_params
from web3._utils.events import get_event_data

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class EventScannerState(ABC):
    """Application state that remembers what blocks we have scanned in the case of crash.

    def get_last_scanned_block(self) -> int:
        """Number of the last block we have scanned on the previous cycle.

 :return: 0 if no blocks scanned yet

    def start_chunk(self, block_number: int):
        """Scanner is about to ask data of multiple blocks over JSON-RPC.

 Start a database session if needed.

    def end_chunk(self, block_number: int):
        """Scanner finished a number of blocks.

 Persistent any data in your state now.

    def process_event(self, block_when: datetime.datetime, event: AttributeDict) -> object:
        """Process incoming events.

 This function takes raw events from Web3, transforms them to your application internal
 format, then saves them in a database or some other state.

 :param block_when: When this block was mined

 :param event: Symbolic dictionary of the event data

 :return: Internal state structure that is the result of event tranformation.

    def delete_data(self, since_block: int) -> int:
        """Delete any data since this block was scanned.

 Purges any potential minor reorg data.

class EventScanner:
    """Scan blockchain for events and try not to abuse JSON-RPC API too much.

 Can be used for real-time scans, as it detects minor chain reorganisation and rescans.
 Unlike the easy web3.contract.Contract, this scanner can scan events from multiple contracts at once.
 For example, you can get all transfers from all tokens in the same scan.

 You *should* disable the default `http_retry_request_middleware` on your provider for Web3,
 because it cannot correctly throttle and decrease the `eth_getLogs` block number range.

    def __init__(self, web3: Web3, contract: Contract, state: EventScannerState, events: List, filters: {},
                 max_chunk_scan_size: int = 10000, max_request_retries: int = 30, request_retry_seconds: float = 3.0):
 :param contract: Contract
 :param events: List of web3 Event we scan
 :param filters: Filters passed to getLogs
 :param max_chunk_scan_size: JSON-RPC API limit in the number of blocks we query. (Recommendation: 10,000 for mainnet, 500,000 for testnets)
 :param max_request_retries: How many times we try to reattempt a failed JSON-RPC call
 :param request_retry_seconds: Delay between failed requests to let JSON-RPC server to recover

        self.logger = logger
        self.contract = contract
        self.web3 = web3
        self.state = state
        self.events = events
        self.filters = filters

        # Our JSON-RPC throttling parameters
        self.min_scan_chunk_size = 10  # 12 s/block = 120 seconds period
        self.max_scan_chunk_size = max_chunk_scan_size
        self.max_request_retries = max_request_retries
        self.request_retry_seconds = request_retry_seconds

        # Factor how fast we increase the chunk size if results are found
        # # (slow down scan after starting to get hits)
        self.chunk_size_decrease = 0.5

        # Factor how was we increase chunk size if no results found
        self.chunk_size_increase = 2.0

    def address(self):
        return self.token_address

    def get_block_timestamp(self, block_num) -> datetime.datetime:
        """Get Ethereum block timestamp"""
            block_info = self.web3.eth.getBlock(block_num)
        except BlockNotFound:
            # Block was not mined yet,
            # minor chain reorganisation?
            return None
        last_time = block_info["timestamp"]
        return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(last_time)

    def get_suggested_scan_start_block(self):
        """Get where we should start to scan for new token events.

 If there are no prior scans, start from block 1.
 Otherwise, start from the last end block minus ten blocks.
 We rescan the last ten scanned blocks in the case there were forks to avoid
 misaccounting due to minor single block works (happens once in a hour in Ethereum).
 These heurestics could be made more robust, but this is for the sake of simple reference implementation.

        end_block = self.get_last_scanned_block()
        if end_block:
            return max(1, end_block - self.NUM_BLOCKS_RESCAN_FOR_FORKS)
        return 1

    def get_suggested_scan_end_block(self):
        """Get the last mined block on Ethereum chain we are following."""

        # Do not scan all the way to the final block, as this
        # block might not be mined yet
        return self.web3.eth.blockNumber - 1

    def get_last_scanned_block(self) -> int:
        return self.state.get_last_scanned_block()

    def delete_potentially_forked_block_data(self, after_block: int):
        """Purge old data in the case of blockchain reorganisation."""

    def scan_chunk(self, start_block, end_block) -> Tuple[int, datetime.datetime, list]:
        """Read and process events between to block numbers.

 Dynamically decrease the size of the chunk if the case JSON-RPC server pukes out.

 :return: tuple(actual end block number, when this block was mined, processed events)

        block_timestamps = {}
        get_block_timestamp = self.get_block_timestamp

        # Cache block timestamps to reduce some RPC overhead
        # Real solution might include smarter models around block
        def get_block_when(block_num):
            if block_num not in block_timestamps:
                block_timestamps[block_num] = get_block_timestamp(block_num)
            return block_timestamps[block_num]

        all_processed = []

        for event_type in self.events:

            # Callable that takes care of the underlying web3 call
            def _fetch_events(_start_block, _end_block):
                return _fetch_events_for_all_contracts(self.web3,

            # Do `n` retries on `eth_getLogs`,
            # throttle down block range if needed
            end_block, events = _retry_web3_call(

            for evt in events:
                idx = evt["logIndex"]  # Integer of the log index position in the block, null when its pending

                # We cannot avoid minor chain reorganisations, but
                # at least we must avoid blocks that are not mined yet
                assert idx is not None, "Somehow tried to scan a pending block"

                block_number = evt["blockNumber"]

                # Get UTC time when this event happened (block mined timestamp)
                # from our in-memory cache
                block_when = get_block_when(block_number)

                logger.debug("Processing event %s, block:%d count:%d", evt["event"], evt["blockNumber"])
                processed = self.state.process_event(block_when, evt)

        end_block_timestamp = get_block_when(end_block)
        return end_block, end_block_timestamp, all_processed

    def estimate_next_chunk_size(self, current_chuck_size: int, event_found_count: int):
        """Try to figure out optimal chunk size

 Our scanner might need to scan the whole blockchain for all events

 * We want to minimize API calls over empty blocks

 * We want to make sure that one scan chunk does not try to process too many entries once, as we try to control commit buffer size and potentially asynchronous busy loop

 * Do not overload node serving JSON-RPC API by asking data for too many events at a time

 Currently Ethereum JSON-API does not have an API to tell when a first event occurred in a blockchain
 and our heuristics try to accelerate block fetching (chunk size) until we see the first event.

 These heurestics exponentially increase the scan chunk size depending on if we are seeing events or not.
 When any transfers are encountered, we are back to scanning only a few blocks at a time.
 It does not make sense to do a full chain scan starting from block 1, doing one JSON-RPC call per 20 blocks.

        if event_found_count > 0:
            # When we encounter first events, reset the chunk size window
            current_chuck_size = self.min_scan_chunk_size
            current_chuck_size *= self.chunk_size_increase

        current_chuck_size = max(self.min_scan_chunk_size, current_chuck_size)
        current_chuck_size = min(self.max_scan_chunk_size, current_chuck_size)
        return int(current_chuck_size)

    def scan(self, start_block, end_block, start_chunk_size=20, progress_callback=Optional[Callable]) -> Tuple[
        list, int]:
        """Perform a token balances scan.

 Assumes all balances in the database are valid before start_block (no forks sneaked in).

 :param start_block: The first block included in the scan

 :param end_block: The last block included in the scan

 :param start_chunk_size: How many blocks we try to fetch over JSON-RPC on the first attempt

 :param progress_callback: If this is an UI application, update the progress of the scan

 :return: [All processed events, number of chunks used]

        assert start_block <= end_block

        current_block = start_block

        # Scan in chunks, commit between
        chunk_size = start_chunk_size
        last_scan_duration = last_logs_found = 0
        total_chunks_scanned = 0

        # All processed entries we got on this scan cycle
        all_processed = []

        while current_block <= end_block:

            self.state.start_chunk(current_block, chunk_size)

            # Print some diagnostics to logs to try to fiddle with real world JSON-RPC API performance
            estimated_end_block = current_block + chunk_size
                "Scanning token transfers for blocks: %d - %d, chunk size %d, last chunk scan took %f, last logs found %d",
                current_block, estimated_end_block, chunk_size, last_scan_duration, last_logs_found)

            start = time.time()
            actual_end_block, end_block_timestamp, new_entries = self.scan_chunk(current_block, estimated_end_block)

            # Where does our current chunk scan ends - are we out of chain yet?
            current_end = actual_end_block

            last_scan_duration = time.time() - start
            all_processed += new_entries

            # Print progress bar
            if progress_callback:
                progress_callback(start_block, end_block, current_block, end_block_timestamp, chunk_size, len(new_entries))

            # Try to guess how many blocks to fetch over `eth_getLogs` API next time
            chunk_size = self.estimate_next_chunk_size(chunk_size, len(new_entries))

            # Set where the next chunk starts
            current_block = current_end + 1
            total_chunks_scanned += 1

        return all_processed, total_chunks_scanned

def _retry_web3_call(func, start_block, end_block, retries, delay) -> Tuple[int, list]:
    """A custom retry loop to throttle down block range.

 If our JSON-RPC server cannot serve all incoming `eth_getLogs` in a single request,
 we retry and throttle down block range for every retry.

 For example, Go Ethereum does not indicate what is an acceptable response size.
 It just fails on the server-side with a "context was cancelled" warning.

 :param func: A callable that triggers Ethereum JSON-RPC, as func(start_block, end_block)
 :param start_block: The initial start block of the block range
 :param end_block: The initial start block of the block range
 :param retries: How many times we retry
 :param delay: Time to sleep between retries
    for i in range(retries):
            return end_block, func(start_block, end_block)
        except Exception as e:
            # Assume this is HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8545): Read timed out. (read timeout=10)
            # from Go Ethereum. This translates to the error "context was cancelled" on the server side:
            # https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/issues/20426
            if i < retries - 1:
                # Give some more verbose info than the default middleware
                    "Retrying events for block range %d - %d (%d) failed with %s, retrying in %s seconds",
                # Decrease the `eth_getBlocks` range
                end_block = start_block + ((end_block - start_block) // 2)
                # Let the JSON-RPC to recover e.g. from restart
                logger.warning("Out of retries")

def _fetch_events_for_all_contracts(
        argument_filters: dict,
        from_block: int,
        to_block: int) -> Iterable:
    """Get events using eth_getLogs API.

 This method is detached from any contract instance.

 This is a stateless method, as opposed to createFilter.
 It can be safely called against nodes which do not provide `eth_newFilter` API, like Infura.

    if from_block is None:
        raise TypeError("Missing mandatory keyword argument to getLogs: fromBlock")

    # Currently no way to poke this using a public Web3.py API.
    # This will return raw underlying ABI JSON object for the event
    abi = event._get_event_abi()

    # Depending on the Solidity version used to compile
    # the contract that uses the ABI,
    # it might have Solidity ABI encoding v1 or v2.
    # We just assume the default that you set on Web3 object here.
    # More information here https://eth-abi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
    codec: ABICodec = web3.codec

    # Here we need to poke a bit into Web3 internals, as this
    # functionality is not exposed by default.
    # Construct JSON-RPC raw filter presentation based on human readable Python descriptions
    # Namely, convert event names to their keccak signatures
    # More information here:
    # https://github.com/ethereum/web3.py/blob/e176ce0793dafdd0573acc8d4b76425b6eb604ca/web3/_utils/filters.py#L71
    data_filter_set, event_filter_params = construct_event_filter_params(

    logger.debug("Querying eth_getLogs with the following parameters: %s", event_filter_params)

    # Call JSON-RPC API on your Ethereum node.
    # get_logs() returns raw AttributedDict entries
    logs = web3.eth.get_logs(event_filter_params)

    # Convert raw binary data to Python proxy objects as described by ABI
    all_events = []
    for log in logs:
        # Convert raw JSON-RPC log result to human readable event by using ABI data
        # More information how processLog works here
        # https://github.com/ethereum/web3.py/blob/fbaf1ad11b0c7fac09ba34baff2c256cffe0a148/web3/_utils/events.py#L200
        evt = get_event_data(codec, abi, log)
        # Note: This was originally yield,
        # but deferring the timeout exception caused the throttle logic not to work
    return all_events

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Simple demo that scans all the token transfers of RCC token (11k).
    # The demo supports persistant state by using a JSON file.
    # You will need an Ethereum node for this.
    # Running this script will consume around 20k JSON-RPC calls.
    # With locally running Geth, the script takes 10 minutes.
    # The resulting JSON state file is 2.9 MB.
    import sys
    import json
    from web3.providers.rpc import HTTPProvider

    # We use tqdm library to render a nice progress bar in the console
    # https://pypi.org/project/tqdm/
    from tqdm import tqdm

    # RCC has around 11k Transfer events
    # https://etherscan.io/token/0x9b6443b0fb9c241a7fdac375595cea13e6b7807a
    RCC_ADDRESS = "0x9b6443b0fB9C241A7fdAC375595cEa13e6B7807A"

    # Reduced ERC-20 ABI, only Transfer event
    ABI = """[
 "anonymous": false,
 "inputs": [
 "indexed": true,
 "name": "from",
 "type": "address"
 "indexed": true,
 "name": "to",
 "type": "address"
 "indexed": false,
 "name": "value",
 "type": "uint256"
 "name": "Transfer",
 "type": "event"

    class JSONifiedState(EventScannerState):
        """Store the state of scanned blocks and all events.

 All state is an in-memory dict.
 Simple load/store massive JSON on start up.

        def __init__(self):
            self.state = None
            self.fname = "test-state.json"
            # How many second ago we saved the JSON file
            self.last_save = 0

        def reset(self):
            """Create initial state of nothing scanned."""
            self.state = {
                "last_scanned_block": 0,
                "blocks": {},

        def restore(self):
            """Restore the last scan state from a file."""
                self.state = json.load(open(self.fname, "rt"))
                print(f"Restored the state, previously {self.state['last_scanned_block']} blocks have been scanned")
            except (IOError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
                print("State starting from scratch")

        def save(self):
            """Save everything we have scanned so far in a file."""
            with open(self.fname, "wt") as f:
                json.dump(self.state, f)
            self.last_save = time.time()

        # EventScannerState methods implemented below

        def get_last_scanned_block(self):
            """The number of the last block we have stored."""
            return self.state["last_scanned_block"]

        def delete_data(self, since_block):
            """Remove potentially reorganised blocks from the scan data."""
            for block_num in range(since_block, self.get_last_scanned_block()):
                if block_num in self.state["blocks"]:
                    del self.state["blocks"][block_num]

        def start_chunk(self, block_number, chunk_size):

        def end_chunk(self, block_number):
            """Save at the end of each block, so we can resume in the case of a crash or CTRL+C"""
            # Next time the scanner is started we will resume from this block
            self.state["last_scanned_block"] = block_number

            # Save the database file for every minute
            if time.time() - self.last_save > 60:

        def process_event(self, block_when: datetime.datetime, event: AttributeDict) -> str:
            """Record a ERC-20 transfer in our database."""
            # Events are keyed by their transaction hash and log index
            # One transaction may contain multiple events
            # and each one of those gets their own log index

            # event_name = event.event # "Transfer"
            log_index = event.logIndex  # Log index within the block
            # transaction_index = event.transactionIndex  # Transaction index within the block
            txhash = event.transactionHash.hex()  # Transaction hash
            block_number = event.blockNumber

            # Convert ERC-20 Transfer event to our internal format
            args = event["args"]
            transfer = {
                "from": args["from"],
                "to": args.to,
                "value": args.value,
                "timestamp": block_when.isoformat(),

            # Create empty dict as the block that contains all transactions by txhash
            if block_number not in self.state["blocks"]:
                self.state["blocks"][block_number] = {}

            block = self.state["blocks"][block_number]
            if txhash not in block:
                # We have not yet recorded any transfers in this transaction
                # (One transaction may contain multiple events if executed by a smart contract).
                # Create a tx entry that contains all events by a log index
                self.state["blocks"][block_number][txhash] = {}

            # Record ERC-20 transfer in our database
            self.state["blocks"][block_number][txhash][log_index] = transfer

            # Return a pointer that allows us to look up this event later if needed
            return f"{block_number}-{txhash}-{log_index}"

    def run():

        if len(sys.argv) < 2:
            print("Usage: eventscanner.py http://your-node-url")

        api_url = sys.argv[1]

        # Enable logs to the stdout.
        # DEBUG is very verbose level

        provider = HTTPProvider(api_url)

        # Remove the default JSON-RPC retry middleware
        # as it correctly cannot handle eth_getLogs block range
        # throttle down.

        web3 = Web3(provider)

        # Prepare stub ERC-20 contract object
        abi = json.loads(ABI)
        ERC20 = web3.eth.contract(abi=abi)

        # Restore/create our persistent state
        state = JSONifiedState()

        # chain_id: int, web3: Web3, abi: dict, state: EventScannerState, events: List, filters: {}, max_chunk_scan_size: int=10000
        scanner = EventScanner(
            filters={"address": RCC_ADDRESS},
            # How many maximum blocks at the time we request from JSON-RPC
            # and we are unlikely to exceed the response size limit of the JSON-RPC server

        # Assume we might have scanned the blocks all the way to the last Ethereum block
        # that mined a few seconds before the previous scan run ended.
        # Because there might have been a minor Etherueum chain reorganisations
        # since the last scan ended, we need to discard
        # the last few blocks from the previous scan results.
        chain_reorg_safety_blocks = 10
        scanner.delete_potentially_forked_block_data(state.get_last_scanned_block() - chain_reorg_safety_blocks)

        # Scan from [last block scanned] - [latest ethereum block]
        # Note that our chain reorg safety blocks cannot go negative
        start_block = max(state.get_last_scanned_block() - chain_reorg_safety_blocks, 0)
        end_block = scanner.get_suggested_scan_end_block()
        blocks_to_scan = end_block - start_block

        print(f"Scanning events from blocks {start_block} - {end_block}")

        # Render a progress bar in the console
        start = time.time()
        with tqdm(total=blocks_to_scan) as progress_bar:
            def _update_progress(start, end, current, current_block_timestamp, chunk_size, events_count):
                if current_block_timestamp:
                    formatted_time = current_block_timestamp.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
                    formatted_time = "no block time available"
                progress_bar.set_description(f"Current block: {current} ({formatted_time}), blocks in a scan batch: {chunk_size}, events processed in a batch {events_count}")

            # Run the scan
            result, total_chunks_scanned = scanner.scan(start_block, end_block, progress_callback=_update_progress)

        duration = time.time() - start
        print(f"Scanned total {len(result)} Transfer events, in {duration} seconds, total {total_chunks_scanned} chunk scans performed")

